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To obtain papers, publications or studies, whether listed on our website or not, please contact the technician responsible at +55 11 4301-3714 or 4301-3715.


1. Craig W.A., Leggett J., Totsuka K., Vogelman B. (1988): Key pharmacokinetic parameters of antibiotic efficacy in experimental animal infections. J. Drug Dev., 1 (S3): 7 – 15

2. Grimm H. (1989): Bakteriologische und pharmakokinetische Aspekte der topischen Antibiotikaanwendung. Kollagen als Wirkstoffträger [Bacteriological and pharmacokinetic aspects of topical antibiotic application. Collagen as a drug carrier.] Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Chirurgie [Possible applications in surgery]. Ed.Stemberger A., Ascherl R., Lechner F., Blümel G.,Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 33 -37

3. Mendel V. (Hrsg.), Beyer M. (co-auther) (1989): Knochen- und Weichteilinfektionen. [Bone and soft tissue infections]. Perimed textbook publishing company ISBN 3-88429-341-9

4. Moore R.D., Lietman P.S., Smith C.R. (1987): Clinical response to aminoglycoside therapy: Importance of the ratio of peak concentration to minimal inhibitory concentration. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 155 (1): 93 – 99

5. Ph. Eur. Supplement to the European Pharmacopoeia Supplement 2000 (2000): 5.2.8 Minimization of the risk of the transmission of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in traditional medicines and health supplements. Ph.Eur.- Supplement 2000

6. Scherer M.A. (1996) Munich: Resorbierbare Arzneistoffträger aus Kollagen mit Gentamicin – Vergleich der Bioverfügbarkeit und der histologischen Reaktion im Tierversuch. Unveröffentlicht

7. Stemberger A., Fritsche H., et al (1978): Fibrinogenkonzentrate und Kollagenschwämme zur Gewebeklebung [Fibrinogen and Collagen Sponges for Tissue Sealing]. Med. Welt 29 (17): 720 – 724

8. Stemberger A., Lehner S., Odar J. (1999): Biodegradable surgical wound dressings – Stability, elasticity and tear resistance as markers of quality. Authorized translation from Ellipse 15 (4): 101 – 105

9. Grimm H. (1989): Local antibacterial therapy in traumatology? Forum Traumatologie Osteitis- Therapie, Essex Pharma GmbH

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