Como usar . How to use . Cómo utilizar
The primary indication within fracture management for BonAlive® is the treatment of lateral tibia condyle compression fractures. The aim of using a bone graft in fractures is a) to replace missing bone and b) in case of a metaphysis fracture to elevate the collapsed joint to its original level.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
As BonAlive®granules become well packed in the defect the level of the collapsed joint surface can be elevated to its original level. Also, due to the capability of BonAlive® to stimulate new bone formation, it has been successfully used to treat pseu- doarthrosis, which can be a severe problem if the patient’s ability to heal is compromised due to age or illness.
BonAlive® has been successfully used to fill the dead space above the acetabular cup in hip revision surgery when primary stability has been sufficient. As with hip prosthesis, osteolysis is often seen around ankle prosthesis. This is true also around bone fixation pins and screws.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
The slow resorption of BonAlive® (ensuring bone in-growth before resorption of the graft) and its ability to sustain a high level of bone remodelling for many years after implantation are important in these indications, in which bone resorption at the grafting area/prosthesis interface has been an evident problem.
Chronic frontal sinusitis is difficult to treat conservatively or endoscopically assisted. BonAlive®has been used successfully for over 15 years in frontal sinus obliteration.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
BonAlive® is a non-tissue toxic and biocompatible material that can be used in close proximity to the dura after coverage with fascia lata 8. The consistently good results with BonAlive® are due to its bacterial growth inhibiting features and its osteostimulative activity that promotes healing.
The main indication for the use of BonAlive®in neurosurgery is cranioplasty (surgical repair of the skull), when cranial bone defects have arisen due to a trauma or due to a treatment of e.g. aneurisms or leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
The key benefits of using BonAlive®within neurosurgery are its safety supported by long-term clinical data and that can be used in close proximity to the dura after coverage with fascia lata.
Chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma can be surgically treated by canal wall-up or canal wall-down mastoidectomy. After the canal wall-down mastoidectomy a radical cavity often remains, collecting crust and becoming repeatedly infected. Surgically created cavities can be eliminated by first thoroughly cleaning the exposed area of all mucosa and then it is com- mon to fill the cavity with musculoperiosteal flaps and autogenous bone chips or fat. However, autogenous transplants often tend to resorb leading to a recurring cavity in the augmented area and thus increasing the risk of inducing a deformation of the hearing canal.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
The cavity in the mastoid cell area has been successfully filled with BonAlive® granules to prevent the cavity from recurring2. The clinical results also show that restoring the normal anatomy of the hearing canal often improves hearing. Also, the elimi- nation of the difficult-to-clean cavity diminishes the need for frequent visits to the ENT specialist for painful cleaning of the area. Three properties of the BonAlive® granules participate in the healing of the mastoid cell area:
1. Bacterial growth inhibiting property.
2. Slow resorption ensuring that the volume is sustained.
3. Osteostimulative property.
Chronic bone infection is characterised by progressive infection of the bone marrow and cortex, resulting in destruction of bone, bone necrosis and the formation of new bone. The primary aim in treating chronic bone infections is to inhibit the re- lapse of the infection and to generate new bone formation in the debrided cavity.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
Good results have been obtained when using BonAlive® for cavity filling after debridement of necrotic bone caused by chronic bone infection. The clinical benefit can be seen through the combined effect of BonAlive® having bacterial growth inhibiting, bioactive and osteostimulative properties which prevent relapse of the infection and at the same time stimulate new bone formation allowing for accelerated healing. The main benefit of using BonAlive® is that the granules can be applied directly after the infected tissue has been removed. This makes the treatment a one-stage procedure and a second operation can be avoided.
BonAlive® has been successfully used to fill evacuated benign bone tumour cavities – primarily enchondromas15 and aneurys- matic bone cysts(ABCs) – for the past 15 years.
Benefits of BonAlive®:
The key benefits of using BonAlive® for filling benign bone tumour cavities are its properties of being able to:
a) Resorb slowly (ensuring bone in-growth before resorption of the graft).
b) Induce a high but balanced local bone turnover by participat- ing in the bone remodelling process.
It has been clinically proven that the long-term performance of BonAlive® in filling benign bone tumour cavities is equivalent to that of autogenic bone, also it is well tolerated and a safe bone graft substitute and it can be used as a substitute for autog- enous bone4. This may be considered a beneficial result for BonAlive®, especially in treating aneurysmatic bone cysts (ABCs), as BonAlive® may mechanically prevent the formation of a recurrent cyst while simultaneously promoting the filling of the cavity with new bone.
Arguably the BonAlive® is an inhibitor of bacterial growth, a fact that makes it highly differentiated. The following papers and publications that address the aforementioned feature.
Download the publication BonAlive’s Interaction with Bacteria[/ download] Download the publication PH in Situ[/ download]